
FICCO Community Outreach Foundation Inc.

FICCO Community Outreach Foundation hold its 1st General Membership Assembly in FICCO Main Office today April 9, 2012. The foundation will have its office in the 3rd Fl FICCO Main Office, the office formerly occupied by the IT Office.

BIR RR 7-2012

The Bureau of Internal Revenue released a Revenue Regulations No. 7-2012 last April 2, 2012, with a title
: Amended Consolidated Revenue Regulations On Primary Registration, Updates, And Cancellation

This Revenue Regulation covers the

Section 4 , 1 , vii

All incorporators of corporations/associations (stock and non-stock), partners of
partnerships and members of cooperatives must have TINs.

You may also click here to view the BIR RR 7-2012 in PDF format