
HB No. 04602 An Act Amending the Cooperative Code of the Philippines

HB No. 04602 An Act Amending the Cooperative Code of the Philippines it is to be known as “Philippine Cooperative Code of 2005”. This bill was calendared on August 24,2005 and approved on second reading on October 12, 2005. on the second reading the body approved to consider the explanatory note of the bill as the sponsorship remarks on the measure. Then the bill was presented and approved for the third reading last November 29, 2006, with House votes YES = 198, NO = 0, and Abstain = 0. On December 6, 2006 the Bill was transmitted to the Senate.

If you would like to get a copy of the Bill please locate our FICCO Management Group with the address: and don’t forget to leave any comments if this site has been helpful.

1 comment:

Marlon Dinu said...

Good day Admin team. So far what is your review/insights and/or assessment on the salient features and highlights of the newly enacted RA 9520 or Cooperative Code of 2008?