what is lacking in the coops' arsenal?
maybe it is the small is good mindset?
some cooperatives like FICCO and Cebu CFI have show ability to generate assets in billions and are generally able to compete on a higher level.
there are hundreds of consumer coops with millions of assets but no group has organized a profitable bulk buying operations.
it seems to me that expertise in consumer goods distribution is what is lacking.
Mondragon in Spain has been able to develop hypermarkets. Can Mondragon share their expertise?
What about pooling the palay harvest of several hundred rice farmers in some areas?
Not possible? It can be possible if consumer coops can work with producer coops.
What about dairy? It seems to me there is not enough knowledge or expertise in the coop sector about medium level enterpreneurship.
When will this expertise be developed? Systems in other countries are available?
Any coop federations handing out scholarships to young cooperators to learn?
Kailan kaya? No grants from DTI for masteral courses for young cooperative managers?
Contributed by: Cornillo Torrijos
Member: koopforum@yahoogroups.com
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