
How to become a member in good standing?

Aiming to become a member in good standing (MIGS) is a process. It is not an overnight sensation that some people ask to shorten the process begging managers of FICCO to grant them easy no sweat short cuts (warning). Thus, theres really no cutting corners for FICCO's MIGS process. When you are evaluated a Class A or a member in good standing at FICCO you should be proud of it because you earned it.

Now lets go back to the basic question. How does one become a member in good standing?

A member becomes a member in good standing when he complies the following condition:
Patronize FICCO services
- save/deposit regularly
- borrow wisely
- pay loans promptly
Participate FICCO activities
- attend General assembly
- attend coop anniversary (When members are invited to attend)
- attend coop month (When members are invited to attend)
Promote/sell FICCO
- recruit members
- remind lost/delinquent members

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