
Good Governance for AMPC

Cooperative Good Governance Training is one of the requirement by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) for a member of the board be confirmed by the CDA. The AMPC through the effort of our Membership Committee and the Board conducts Good Governance Training for AMPC titled "Sustaining Agdao MPC Through Stakeholders Empowerment". We are fortunate to have Mr Isagani B. Daba as speaker for the said seminar. It was a short 4 hours but very successful and schedule pack seminar we conducted. 
The chairperson delivering her welcome address and talking about why AMPC conducted and the importance of having a Good Governance Seminar. She also introduce the speaker. 
Our speaker Mr Isagani B. Daba in the Q & A. Though I have only captured one question on video there were many other gave their insights and ask questions to the speaker, some of them were Redindo Bancaya (Board Secretary), Amelio Salvador, Dir Jojo Remolar, and many others.

To those who are interested to get the powerpoint presentation just text your email add to 0917 7160347 or email to: 

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