
How To Increase Your Youtube Videos View

Everyone creating videos and posting on youtube would want to make their views increase and be notice by a lot of people either they want the world to know what they have created or they want people to appreciate their works, or maybe simply to have something to brag to friends. but what ever is your reason let's just say we want it and we want to know how we get more views on our videos.

We all know  that subscription is the basic reason to get more video views, the more subscribers you have, the bigger the views you'll get. So make that channel easy to subscribe.

1. SEO your Video

Search engine optimize your video. Put simply the description of your videos in full text. Its unlimited anyway!

Consider the Creation  of the Title, Description, and Keywords that they should be easily searchable.

Add links to your facebook, blog, website official to make it easily searchable.

2. Use A Suitable Thumbnail

Its basically part of youtube's terms that thumbnails should  represent the video you'll be showing  if clicked. its helpful to improve your channel subscription to use proper thumbnail on your video. 

3. Use Facebook

facebook is the largest  social media network. Either you use it to your advantage or shun it and lose the opportunity to get exposure.

Make youtube channel linked to social media sites to encourage engagement and comments for discussions.

Embed videos to facebook or other social media  sites.

Post video to Page owned with a number of page likes (at least a 100 page likes) 

4. Remember Twitter

Make hashtag to make people see what you are talking about. Choose relevant hashtag.

5. Include a Call to Action 

In the beginning or  ending part of your video or anytime, just simply ask people to subscribe to your channel. 

Ask them also to visit your site to drive traffic to your website and social media pages.

Show short vids in your next video to keep them hook up your channel

6. Be Consistent

Make videos schedule you can stick to. 

7. Create  Supporting Blog for your channel

Write articles. Make your own website for people to discover in your full control site.

8. Create Email Newsletter 

Use your website as a means to developing a new audience. contact subscribers directly through your newsletter.

Remember that nobody likes spam. people should sign up their email in your newsletter. Just explain the value of newsletter to them in order to benefit from your newsletter.

9. Google Adwords for Videos

Adwords video campaign is sure to work. 

10. Make A Channel Trailer 

Design to showcase your channel so take the time to say right and keep it short. No more than 60 seconds. This is normally best for Google Adwords video.

What Not to Do?

What not to do? Buying your views! if somebody offers you this, don't yield to them. You can get your channel suspended or banned from youtube.

If you really want or willing to pay, just use facebook promotion/boost or Google Adword to rank your video on Google.

Subscribe to my youtube channel /totipatrimonio

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