
Superferry 9 Sinks

Five people drowned and 900 terrified passengers... When do we have to learn?

As a third world country, it's unfortunate that shipping companies can't afford to purchase new sea vessels. A vast majority of these ships are probably 20 -30 years old, discarded from Japan, South Korea and other countries but apparently still being utilized in the Philippines. Since time immemorial, thousands of precious human souls have been lost due to the result of these dilapidated ships plying different routes in the archipelago. With that said, it's the responsibility of the government to strictly impose maritime laws or legislate new laws to prevent such avoidable sea tragedies from keep on happening. In the same vein, it's the primary responsibility of ship owners to follow the standard maintenance procedure in order for their fleet to be mechanically and electrically in good condition along with regular safety and other operational training for the crew.

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