
I will tap my circle of influence for Ating Koop

We the supporters of Ating Koop Party List are neophytes. Ating Koop has no political machinery that can rival the precint level organizations of the traditional parties. It has also no pork barrel generated funds to distribute to would be supporters, in the manner an incumbent Party List group for Coops is doing.

But in lieu of a well-oiled party machinery, it has a network of well-meaning cooperatives, with value-laden cooperative leaders and members. What it lacks in logistics and political savvy is easily made up by an enthusiasm emanating from an idealistic belief that change can happen in this country if its people will have a collective change of heart. A change that will internalize the time-honored coop values of sacrifice, self-reliance, good governance, volunteerism, democratic participation, social responsibility, and prudent use of resources.

I believe in these coop values. I believe these made our coop successful and can be put to working use in a wider forum. I believe in Ating Koop.

So I will make use of my own personal “network,” tap my own circle of influence. This would include:

a) Immediate family: (parents, spouse, children, househelp)

b) Relatives: (siblings, nephews/nieces, aunts/uncles, grandchildren, and their spouses, their children, their children’s spouses, and their grandchildren)

c) In-Laws: (parents, sons/daughters and their parents and siblings, brothers/sisters and their spouses and children)

d) Friends: (co-workers and their spouses and children, and friends and their spouses, children, relatives and friends)

e) Associations, groups, clubs where I belong.

And though I may have hundreds of relatives and friends, I will focus only on those whom I actually have influence on, who would share my belief that our coop values can precipitate change in this country. I will discuss with them the merits of the Ating Koop party list. I will urge them to vote for Ating Koop.

I challenge you to do the same. Let us have the audacity to hope for and to actually work for change. (Pauline R, 27 January 2010)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I joined FICCO just last year and I am satisfied being a member of this coop. I am convinced and truly believed in the goals of ATING COOP, in fact I am campaigning for it in our community, sent messages thru text to my friends and new acquaintances.